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How to choose the cold storage installation area

Mar. 24, 2023

The following aspects need to be considered when choosing a cold storage installation area:

Space size: According to the size of the cold storage and the number of stored items, choose the appropriate space size to ensure that the internal space of the cold storage is sufficient.

Temperature requirements: When choosing an installation area, the ambient temperature needs to be considered to ensure that the refrigeration system of the cold storage can operate normally.

Ventilation conditions: Choose a well-ventilated area so that the air in the cold storage can circulate and keep the air fresh.

Water source and power supply: When choosing an installation area, the supply of water source and power supply needs to be considered, so that the refrigeration system and control system of the cold storage can operate normally.

Import and export conditions: When selecting the installation area, the location and conditions of the import and export need to be considered to facilitate the management of the entry and exit of stored items.

In short, the selection of the cold storage installation area needs to be considered comprehensively based on the size of the cold storage and the quantity of stored items, temperature requirements, ventilation conditions, water and power supply, import and export conditions, etc., to ensure the normal operation of the cold storage and the quality and safety of the stored items. If you are not sure how to choose the cold storage installation area, it is recommended to consult professional technicians or relevant cold storage equipment suppliers.

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